SNDT Women’s University saw an exciting Dussera this year with the simultaneous release of its bi-monthly e-newsletter and the new updated website. The event was held at the committee room in the Churchgate Campus with Vice Chancellor Prof. Vasudha Kamat presiding over the event. The Website was inaugurated by His Excellency
Shri K. Sankaranarayanan, Governor of Maharashtra. Appropriately, this unique event took place in cyberspace; while the audience participated in the program from the University campus at Churchgate and the Chief Guest conducted the inauguration from his office at Malabar Hill. The interface between the two locations was a video conference via Skype which was being projected and watched live by both parties.
Shri K. Sankaranarayanan, Governor of Maharashtra. Appropriately, this unique event took place in cyberspace; while the audience participated in the program from the University campus at Churchgate and the Chief Guest conducted the inauguration from his office at Malabar Hill. The interface between the two locations was a video conference via Skype which was being projected and watched live by both parties.