Avishkar 2011-2012

Four of our students bagged prizes at the Sixth State Inter-University Research Convention, "Avishkar 2011-12 held at Shivaji University, Kolhapur from 13th January to 15th January, 2012.

Ms. Sneha D. Raut,  C.U.Shah College of Pharmacy won the FIRST PRIZE in the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry category PG level.  She presented research work on A novel phytoliposomal formulation for a polyherbal mix containing curcumin” guided by Dr P.A. Tatke. Ms Manju Dhami, C.U.Shah College of Pharmacy won the SECOND PRIZE in the same category PG level presenting the research work “Brahmi Ghrita An Extract In A Novel Improved Form For Memory Enhancement” under the guidance of Dr K.K.Singh.

The Rotating Championship trophy in this category of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry category is being shared by SNDT Women's University, Mumbai University and North Maharashtra University.

Ashwini  Shanbaug C.U.Shah College of Pharmacy presented the work on “Designing of Newer Antimalarials using the approach of Docking and QSAR” studies bagging FIRST PRIZE in Medicine and Pharmacy Category UG level. The work was guided by Dr. S.S Mahajan

Preksha Gandhi, Department of Human Development, PGSR in Home Science got the SECOND PRIZE in the Humanities, Languages, Fine Arts category PG level on her work “Relationship between effective performance factors and teacher retention in pre-primary and primary teachers” which was carried out under guidance of Dr. Reeta Sonawat.

National Workshop on ‘Learning Disability’

Learning Disability, though it is prevalent at un-ignorable level in our society has still not got momentum in the field of education the way it should have got. Misconception about learning disability is still part of our mind while dealing with academic issues of the students. To bridge the gap, Post Graduate Department of Psychology, S.N.D.T Women’s University, Pune Campus had organised a National Workshop on Learning Disability on 25th January 2012, in collaboration with Indian Institute of Psychology, Delhi and by Prasad Psycho Corporation who sponsored the workshop. 

The workshop had multiple objectives ranging from educating and spreading awareness to diagnosing and addressing remedial aspect of Leaning Disability among mental health professionals and students. Ms. Apoorva Panshikar was the main resource person, who demonstrated the widely used learning disability assessment tools such as the DTLD, DTRD, TTS and BCSLD. There were 129 participants who had come from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Prof. P.H. Lodhi, Kranti Shrivastav and Dr. Medha Deshpande inaugurated the workshop. Dr. Ramesh Pathare, the Head of the Dept. was the convener of this workshop.

Tejaswini of SNDTWU 2011-12

(All-Round Best student)

Tejaswini 2011 
Ms. Madhura R. Bhogale 
P.V. Polytechnic, Juhu

1st Runner Up
Ms. Aparna Kulkarni 
Dept. of P.G.S.R., Pune Campus

2nd Runner Up
Ms. Geetanjali Laghate 
C.U. Shah College of Pharmacy, Juhu

The department of Students’ Welfare has successfully conducted the Tejaswini Contest 2012 from 14th to 16th January, 2012 at Churchgate Campus.  66 students participated in the contest from all the SNDT colleges, from Mumbai, along with Surat, Ahmedabad, Indore, Noida, Goa. During this period various types of competitions were organized like Quiz, Creative Essay writing, Extempore, Physical fitness test, Group Discussion and Open Interview.  The contestants underwent these tests and were qualified for the final round on 16th January 2012.  These competitions were judged by eminent judges.

Dr. Archana Bhatnagar, Head, Department of Family Resource management, PGSR Home Science, Juhu Campus along with her team of students’ conducted Physical fitness test., Personal interview was conducted by the jury members, Prof. T.J. Mathew, JDBIMS, Juhu Dr. Bhanupratap Singh, Dept. of Continuing and Adult Education & Extension, Churchgate and Ms. Varsha Kulkarni, lecturer from Clara’s College of Education. The Judges for Extempore Speech were Dr. Ramesh Deokar, NSS Cell, Mumbai University and Dr. Ariff Sayyad, Social Worker.

The final day, there were five rounds conducted by Prof. Vibhuti Patel, Director, PGSR, Churchgate. In the first round all the contestants introduced themselves to the audience.
The second round selected 38 contestants were given situational questions to test their thinking ability and were eliminated accordingly.  The third round was a talent round for 26 selected contestants to test their talents based on performances. The fourth round the Judges question round for 6 students. The fifth round a common question was given and the contestants  wrote and read the answers one by one.

Finally Tejaswini, Ist Runner up and IInd Runner up were selected.

They were Judged by eminent Judges Mr. Sampson David, Deputy Secretary, AIU, Delhi, Ms. Sonal Shukla, Women Activist, Director,Vacha & Columnist, Ms. Poorvi Chothani, Attory, USA, Law Guest Int., Ladies wing of Indian Merchant Chamber, Ms. Samhita Bhakre, Associate Vice President, OMD, Advising Media Agencies, Ms. Archana Kochhar, Fashion Designer & Dr. Firdos Shroff, Expert in Banking System.

The Valedictory function was held on 16th Jan., 2012. Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. Vasudha Kamat presided over the function. Ms. Nilufer Ahmed, Dean of Students’ Welfare welcomed &  introduced the guest. Dr. Sampson David, Guest of Honour addressed the students.

First lecture of
Maharshi Karve Lecture Series 2012
a talk by
Prof. Ram Takwale
President, I-CONSENT & Director, MKCL

SNDT Women’s University inaugurated the Maharshi Karve Lecture Series with an inaugural lecture by Professor Ram Takwale on the 19th Jan 2012. In her inaugural address, the Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. Vandana Chakrabarti said the lecture series was conceived as an interface between the university and the outside world, where the best minds would be invited to discuss the toughest questions of our times.

Prof. Takwale spoke on “New Education for Empowering Learners in an Always Connected Society”. He began with the pertinent question: teachers today must educate a generation who has a better hold on technology than themselves. How can teachers adapt themselves productively to this situation? He stressed on the need for new forms of learning in keeping with the new kinds of technology available to the learners.

The talk highlighted the ways in which technology could be integrated into the teaching learning process. The lecture provoked a large number of engaged questions from the audience. The event concluded with the Vice Chancellor Prof Vasudha Kamat's presidential address, which emphasized the difference between information dissemination and learning, Prof Kamat also argued that learning includes the processes of learning and not merely the content which is to be learnt.